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Registration joint partnership and limited partnership companies
Estimated Time:
-2 days or more when addressing ministries and directorates issuing concerned approvals.
-25 minutes in the event of obtaining approvals.
Mnistry of Industry and Trade / Companies Control Department /non-profit joint partnership and limited partnership companies / and all branches of the Departmenit.
Estimated Fee:
-Registration fees: JD 25-Capital stamps: JD 0.003-Registration application: JD 10-Deposit of power of attorney: JD 27-Certificate issuance of: JD10

- Description
- Procedures
- Required Documents
- Persons benefiting from the service
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Conditions for obtaining service
1.personal attendance or per power of attorney
2.Age less than 18 years old
3.Prior approvals to perform some objectives
4.Deposit JD50 thousand in the bank for non-Jordanians.
Partner institutions:
Entities granting the concerned approvals.
1.Taking a number ticket.
2. Filling an application with all data including: partners’ names, capital, Authorized signatories, company’s position, objectives, company’s legal name (taken from partners’ names).
3.Signing before the competent employee, a public notary or a licensed lawyer.
4.In the event of partners’ absence, submitting the registration application to the concerned window and
5.Auditing the application.
6.Approving the application if all lacks completed.
7.The controller’s approval/ the authorized in writing
8.Issuing a collection warrant and handing it over to the visitor
9.The visitor shall submit the warrant to the cash, pay the legal fees and receive the receipt.
10.The visitor deliver s the receipt to the cocerned window.
11-Issuance of the certificate.
Required Documents
1-Civil status ID
2-Passport for non-Jordanians
3-Form prepared by the directorate for registration purposes.
4-Proof of a financial account of JD fifty thousand for non-Jordanians
5-Lawyer’s power of attorney in the event of no partners.
6-Prior approvals to perform some purposes
7-Prior approvals for some nationalities.
Persons benefiting from the service
Joint partnership and limited partnership companies
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