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Trademark registration
Estimated Time:
6-12 months
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies/Industrial Property Protection Directorate/trademark registration section
Estimated Fee:
- 100JD for filing the application
- 200JD for filing a joint trademark
- 50JD for publication
- 300JD for final registration
- 5JD in case a general power of attorney is attached
- 2JD in case a special power of attorney is attached

- Description
- Procedures
- Required Documents
- Persons benefiting from the service
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Conditions for obtaining service
- The applicant should report in person or send a proxy with a legal authorization letter, or an agent of an industrial property in case the product is non-Jordanian, or a lawyer to represent them. The form can be obtained online (www.mit.gov.jo) - To register a trademark, the product should have distinctive characters in terms of names, letters, numbers, shapes, colors or others, or any combination of these, provided that they are recognizable by sight, according to Article 7 of the Trademarks Law - The trademark should be eligible for registration in line with Article 8 of the Trademark LawNotes
Partner institutions:
1. Presenting the trademark registration application, with the required documents attached
2. The reception clerk checks the application in terms of formalities and signatures
3. The application is referred to take a serial number and its date is registered to documents its priority right.
4. Fees are paid at the ministry’s treasurer.
5. The receipt is attached to the application and presented to the reception clerk.
6. The application is referred to the data entry section where the concerned official enters the data in the computer and gives the file an entry number.
7. The application is forwarded to the trademarks section for double-checking for formalities and for content, against the trademarks regulation, looking for any identical or similar trademark in terms of pronunciation, purposes, types and shapes, relying in the standards and rules in effect under the Trademarks Law.
8. The findings are referred to the trademark Registrar, who have the right to accept or reject the trademark in question.
9. In case of approval, the applicant is notified and asked to pay the fees for publication and initial issuance of the certificate by the Registrar.
10. The trademarks initially registered are published in the Official Gazette and in case they are not contested within three months of the publication date, they are finally registered and fees for final registration are paid to obtain the final registration certificate from the Registrar.
11. In case of not approving the trademark, the owner of the trademark is notified via an official letter sent through regular mail, advising the need to modify the trademark and attaching a copy of an announcement made of the modification within a month of receiving the letter; otherwise, the applicant will be considered as having withdrawn his application.
Required Documents
- Four copies of the printed related form in two languages
- Two copies of the trademark’s image
- The establishment’s register stating its purposes and those authorized to sign on its behalf.
- A copy of a document proving priority right if applicable
Persons benefiting from the service
Each party seeking to use a trademark independently to distinguish products they make or select or those who have issued certificates for their products with the intention of trading in them.Files
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