Government Ministries & Entities >  Aqaba Railway Corporation >  General Information
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Aqaba Railway Corporation
General Information


Jordan Railways history started from the begging of last century . work started in building track link between the Northern and southern parts of Jordan in 1900 .
The part of track is considered part of the main track which links Turkish land with AL-Median passing through the capital city of Amman .
This called Hidjaz, -Railway . This track was linked by a sub-line to Ras -EL-Naqab in 1942 to carry phosphates from mines to Ras – EL-Naqab station then by tracks to Aqaba port .
Due to the importance of phosphate to the Jordan National income , it has become very necessary to find an economic and high capacity ,means of transport .
For this reason concerned Government officials had taken the decision to construct a railway line to connect phosphate mines with Aqaba port .
Work had started to strengthen the part of Hidjazi Railway from EL-Hasa mines to Batn-EL-Gnoul .
A new line was constructed to connect Batn EL-Ghoul to Aqaba port in Nov 1972 and officially opened in 14/11/1975 a new organization called Aqaba Railways corporation has been named to manage this Railway a new line was added to join phosphate mines in EL-Abiad 22 KM . the total lines reached 293.34 Kms .
It has been founded according to low no (22) in 1972 . has been grunted an independent character both financially and Adminstra tively so it can practice its authority and power to construct, manage operate and maintain Railway track for the purpose of carring both people and cargo .
Board of Directors headed by minister of Transport supervised ARC management which headed by Director General according to special financial and Administrative instructions and regulations.

The vision
Safe and competitive local and regional transportation.

The mission

Achieving ARC to a significant level in transportation and meeting the clients demands with best efficiency keeping staff complacence and environmental safety. 
