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Jordanian Nursing Council
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Aims of JNC?

Who are the JNC Partners?

What is the Philosophy of JNC?

What are the functions of JNC?

How was the council established?


What are the Aims of JNC?


·            Joining in setting the national health strategy and in performing established plans and programs regarding the profession and their implementation.

·            Developing human resources in the field of nursing to raise the standard of nursing performance in accordance with scientific and practical developments.

·            Supporting scientific research with the aim of enhancing the development of the profession


Who are the JNC Partners?


·            Ministry of Health.

·            Jordan Nursing and Midwife Association

·            Private Hospitals Association.

·            Ministry of Higher Education and Research

·            Royal Medical Services.

·            Public Universities.

·            Private Universities.

·            University Hospitals.

·            Community Representatives.


What is the Philosophy of JNC?


The strength of JNC is dependent on the mutual supportive relationship between the Council and its members.  The JNC values the role of each and every nurse who is viewed as contributors towards achieving its mission.

Regulation is seen as a mechanism that assures public safety and nurses’ self-governance.   It is a force that must move with equal pressure and creativity to capture new opportunities for nurses, at the same time to protect the public interest in the area of health.

The JNC supports the autonomy of nurses in decision making, coupled with accountability and a deep respect for the individual’s right for self-determination and responsibility for one’s own life.


What are the functions of JNC?


A.     The Council is empowered with the following authorities and functions in achieving its objectives:

1.      Setting the strategy for organizing and developing the profession.

2.      Proposing the policy of education for the profession and identifying its priorities in accordance with the policy of higher education. 

3.      Proposing conditions for selecting hospitals for purposes of training and specialization in the profession, in coordination with the Ministry of Health.

4.      Adopting the required standards and bases to elevate the standard of the profession and proposing legislations relating to its practicing.

5.      Proposing the criteria and conditions relating to continuing education and certifying specialization in nursing in accordance with valid legislations.

6.      Coordinating with local, regional, international entities and parties relating to the profession. 

7.      Providing the opinion on legislations relating to health, if asked by the specialized party.

8.      Setting required programs to developing human resources and developing technical capacities in the field of the profession, including developing the capacities of nursing administrative leaders.

9.      Coordinating and cooperating with relevant entities to enhance scientific research in the field of nursing and health sciences.

10.   Approving courses and issuing directives relating to their regulation, including setting exams, awarding certificates of participation and setting the cost for participation.

11.   Preparing draft regulations relating to the Council and approving directives issued based upon them.

12.   Approving the annual budget of the Council and supervising its execution.

13.   Discussing the annual report and the final audits and approving them.

14.   Accepting agreements and contracts to be concluded with other parties and assigning the person authorized to sign. 

15.   Appointing a legal auditor for the Council and identifying his fees.

16.   Any other authorities relating to the functions of the Council.


B.     The Council is entitled while performing its duties and functions to establish committees, which it deems necessary, and identify duties and functions allocated to each.

C.     The President represents the Council before others, and is entitled to assign this authority to any member of the Council including the Secretary- General, on condition that the assignment should be written and specific.


How was the council established?

The establishment of a national nursing council was always a priority on the agenda of the nursing leaders of Jordan headed by HRH Princess Muna Al Hussein. The idea began to emerge at the end of the eighties of  last century.  In 1994 there was a proposal at one of the meetings of the leaders to establish such a council to improve the care rendered to clients through national standards set by the council. In 1997, the Minister of Health at that time formed a committee from various health sectors headed by Dr. Rowaida Al-Ma’aitah to draft a proposal for a Jordanian Nursing Council.  The first draft of the proposed law came out in 1997 and finalized and passed by Royal Decree in 2002.  In Sep. 2006 the permanentJNC number 53 was issued after being passed by the Parliament