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Organizational Chart
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Jordanian Nursing Council
Organizational Chart

General Duties and Responsibilities

Director of Professional Department

Supervising all professional activities in his / her department, such as: 

1.    Initiation of strategies and planning for the JNC programs.

2.    Managing the activities of the information center, such as the data bank for nursing manpower.

3.    Coordinating technical studies, scientific research, future plans, training programs, CQI activities, best practice, and credentialing of certificates and hospitals’ accreditation.


Director of Financial and Administration Department

Supervising all administrative and financial activities, including:  

1.     Implementing administrative and financial rules and regulations on all department activities.

2.     Preparing the annual budget for the council.

3.     Supervising all expenditures of the council.

4.     Arranging for the auditing process.

5.     Administrating supplies and monitoring their use.

6.    Organizing employee files and producing the requested reports.